Does Your Messaging Set Your Business Apart?

According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau and trends from the U.S. Dept of Labor, there were 27.5 million firms operating within the United States in 2009.  Of those firms, about 99% are small businesses (firms having fewer than 500 employees and nonemployers).

The recession has created an unprecedented number of startups and small business owners.  Millions of people who were kicked out of the shelter and safety of an established entity, were forced to figure out how to make it on their own.  Fortunately, many of those who were laid off or downsized have been finding ways to make lemonade out of the lemons they’ve been given.  How?  Entrepreneurship.

With the recent explosion of small businesses; many that likely offer similar products or services, how does one business compete against another?  One word - differentiation.

To a potential customer there may be no obvious difference between your products/services and those of another business.  That’s to be expected; don’t panic.  At the same time, don’t leave it up to potential customers to identify what makes your products or services different.  Tell them.  

Use clear and concise messaging that creates differentiation.  Profits keep businesses alive and effective messaging helps them grow.

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